
10.08.2020 - CALL FOR PAPERS FOR THE 6th AIGE/IIETA and 15th AIGE - ANCONA 2021

Dear Colleague,
we are pleased to announce the 6th AIGE/IIETA International Conference and 15th AIGE 2021 Conference to take place in Ancona, during June 10 - 11, 2021.
We want also to communicate that after unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic the Conference Organizing Committee has been felt the need to introduce a new conference topic regarding the "Effects of the Pandemic on the Energy Context".
The call for papers of the conference is attached to this message.
The abstracts submission is already open and it can be performed through the filling of attached form which can be send to
Please feel free to pass this on to all interested parties.
Kind regards

On behalf of the Organizing Committee
Prof. Renato Ricci
Ing. Valerio D'Alessandro

See attachments
aige2021_abstract_template (aige2021_abstract_template.pdf)
call_AIGE_IIETA_2021 (call_AIGE_IIETA_2021.pdf)